Saturday, 3 November 2012

Growing up and being silly

That's what it's all about, princess!

So, you wonder how being adult is working out for me, right?
Besides the fact that I mix up my languages (including grammar!) on an hourly basis and getting far too excited about the little pleasures of my days, I think I'm doing a fairly good job at being an adult. Almost adult. Nearly almost adult. Okay, maybe I have not yet grown up entirely.

But I no longer worry about paying rent. And I only snooze my alarm for 30 minutes now. I even sit with my flatmates and watch mind-numbing TV shows after work - because that's just what I need after eight hours of talking. The Mumsy is really proud!
I still don't sort my washing by colours tho'.  And I still don't cook. After having thought about it for the first three weeks, I now no longer bother. Whatever can be heated up or baked in the oven will have to do for tea.

But, although I might have not fully grown up, I have moved on. And moving on is AWESOME! It is liberating and a giggle!

I might have sorted out my wardrobe and shipped all my earthly belongings to London at the beginning of the year, but there were little bits and pieces that I have dragged around with me for years quite a while now. Things I could not put in a box and leave in Germany to fall into oblivion.
Not all of it was bad, but it wasn't doing me any good either. So I did a lot of thinking and a bit of moaning, I threw in some laughter and new POVs, and let time and this beautiful city do it's magic - and voilà!

One year later, and I have finally conquered The Big O (explanation will follow) and I am in the midst of building a whole new life in London, England, Europe, Planet Earth.

Next stop - THE MOON!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

So here's to new adventures

And the award for the blog with the biggest lack of update goes to....
I apologise, my friends/readers/strangers; I live in the most exciting city of the year and just don't keep you posted. Naughty, Danny, naughty!
So, it's been quite a while but I have a pretty good excuse for my absence. I have been INSANELY busy. Turns out, I actually have a life after all.

My summer in beautiful London was like a fairytale! I was just about to type "minus the romance", but I actually fell in love... Gorgeous, expensive, always busy, demanding, never boring, mood depending on the weather, full of surprises... that's how I'd describe my lover - also know as LONDON. The city was buzzing with excitement for the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics. And both have been a huge success. Yes, see, we're really happy together.

After all the awesome events of the summer I had to get back to the more serious side of life. Big sigh. Don't we all, tho?
So I started to sort out my life, once again, and get ready to tackle the next big adventure my lover had in store for me: a new job and a new flat. Starting a new job in a new company is not so much of a first, whereas living on my own is. From apartment hunting and paying rent to buying all the stuff the Mumsy used to get for me, it's aaaall new. It's very exciting, very scary, very interesting. 
But I am slowly getting used to my new tiny room, the funny flatmates and my public transport journey to work. I am actually starting to live like a proper adult, huh? Dear....

There's been a lot of changes. [Insert philosophical quote from Sex and the City about how life always changes and the world never stops spinning, ect] 

I have also added a new feature to my blog (that I will command myself to update regularly again) so you can now find a link to my book reviews on the right side bar. And since I still, and always will, spend the majority of my free time having my eyes glued to pages please feel free to leave me a comment about your favourite book, any book or even the most crappiest nonsense you've ever read and I will make sure to check it out. You can also leave me a message on tumblr or tweetelede me on the twitterverse. And of course, leave me the link to your online diary and I will snoop around.

So that's done. I'll continue to be all grown up now and...wait, what do adults do on a Sunday night?

Sunday, 17 June 2012

No Time For Goodbye by Linwood Barclay

On the morning she will never forget, suburban teenager Cynthia Archer awakes with a nasty hangover and a feeling she is going to have an even nastier confrontation with her mom and dad. But when she leaves her bedroom, she discovers the house is empty, with no sign of her parents or younger brother Todd. In the blink of an eye, without any explanation, her family has simply disappeared.

Twenty-five years later Cynthia is still haunted by unanswered questions. Were her family murdered? If so, why was she spared? And if they're alive, why did they abandon her in such a cruel way?
Now married with a daughter of her own, Cynthia fears that her new family will be taken from her just as her first one was. And so she agrees to take part in a TV documentary revisiting the case, in the hope that somebody somewhere will remember something - or even that her father, mother or brother might finally reach out to her...
Then a letter arrives which makes no sense and yet chills Cynthia to the core. And soon she begins to realise that stirring up the past could be the worst mistake she has ever made...

My thoughts:
Actually, I can't remember if I have read this book before but when I found it in my bedroom here in London I just had to start it. I have definitely heard of it before and wanted to buy it anyway. 

One day young Cynthia wakes up and has to discover that her parents and her brother have disappeared. No one has seen them, no one knows where they are. And no one can tell her what had happened.
Twenty-five years after her family has varnished Cynthia receives a letter that raises more questions instead of bringing any answers. 
Cynthia tires, once again, to disclose what happened to her family and if they might even be still alive. Because didn't that young man in the food court of the mall just look like her brother would now? The hat that had mysteriously appeared on their kitchen table one night, it is definitely her father's. And there's still her aunt, who has kept a secret for so many years...
A desperate hunt for the truth and whereabouts of her family begins and threatens to tear her and her husband apart.

I don't want to say too much, you simply must read this book! I picked it up whenever I had time and finished it within three days. A thrilling, captivating story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. I will read it more than once, for sure.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Oh, hello there, how are you?

So, the hostparents are at the Coldplay concert and I'm home watching the boys.

Find the mistake...

No, no, actually, I'm glad to get 'a few nights off my social life'. Ever since I have arrived in London I've been busy meeting and making new friends, exploring this beautiful city, getting sunburned and trying all sorts of beer. I've gone from movie nights with the bestie on Saturdays (I MISS THAT!) to three beers on a Wednesday night. Go me!

But since I had to babysit yesterday and tonight, I got the chance to do a bit of a reflection on how I feel since I have arrived. And I finally got some early nights.
So, how am I feeling? Honestly? Pretty fucking good! Despite the meltdown and fears and last minute doubts, I am happy here. And yes, this is the moment you smile to yourself and think "Awww, man, I'm really happy for her!"
Everything is new and exciting, obviously, and my boys are simply wonderful, but something about this busy, crowded, gorgeous, expensive city makes me smile all day. Maybe it's the certainty of opportunities, or the promise of new experiences, or the chance of being simply myself or...the beer. Could also be the fact that I don't have to drive a car. Probably a mixture of everything. Anyway, I take it.

Plus, beautiful London has some pretty amazing things in store for me. The Diamond Jubilee of HM The Queen and, yes, yes, the Olympics. And hopefully a wonderful summer filled with sun, fun, BBQ and new as well as old friends.

And I got to say it: I am really, really glad I took this crazy opportunity life was throwing at me a couple of weeks ago. And while I miss my loved ones terribly, I finally start to see it all come together.
So a little advice from me, just because I am such a happy bunny these days and I want eeeveryone to feel the same - if you get the chance to do something you want to do, do it! Despite the doubts, do it! If it seems absolutely bonkers... that's even more of a reason to go for it.

Now, I'll hold on to my floating balloons and keep getting used to having an actual social life again. And I must buy a party hat to celebrate Her Majesty's 60 years of service. God Save the Queen.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Wait! Who's life is this?

Oh well, it's been a while, huh? I apologies for not being the best blogger, but I have been insanely busy.
So, what's happened the past few weeks?

  • I quit my job
  • I sorted out my wardrobe
  • I moved to London

Nothing of importance, really.


How in the world did all this just happen to me? I. Have. No. Idea!
A long, long, looong time ago the bestie and I decided to leave Germany. (Yes, that's where I'm from.) We have been talking about moving away for years now and after I came back from the US of A, we finally started to work on it. For real. So that's what we've been doing, almost every day - talking and thinking and planning and discussing and depressing and laughing over this huge thing we wanted to do. Move to England.

So, no, I didn't just pack my bags, hop on a plane and randomly ended up here. But it all happened really fast. 

I've really missed being and working with children, and after my boss told me that my position would be cut in a couple of weeks I've decided to be really open minded about what's going to happen next. I had a couple of ideas, and one of them was being an au pair again. 
So I've signed up on a website and within only one week I had had applications and messages from more than 10 families. Thursday evening, before our trip over to London for the McFly concert I skyped with R and really liked her and what she told me about the family. Because they live in London I had suggested to meet up on the weekend. 
We've met on the day after the concert at Green Park. After that I was sure that I would absolutely love to be with them and hoped that they would ask me to be their au pair. And then, Monday night on our way home from the airport, I got the email.

After that everything happened super fast. Within about four weeks I quit my job, told my friends, cried of happiness, sorted out my wardrobe, had 20 mental breakdown, packed my bags and cuddled my cats. (I miss them so much. SO MUCH!)

So, yeah, now I'm here. In London. Upstairs in my lovely room. I just had a wonderful day with my kids, filled with sunshine, ice cream, sand and laughter. I am a bloody lucky lady!

Side note: I'm still debating whether or not to start a separate blog in German so my friends and family and everyone who's interested will always be up to date. / Ich bin mir noch nicht sicher ob ich noch einen extra blog in deutsch für Familie/Freunde/Whoever anlege.
I'll let you know. I miss you! Xx

Monday, 16 April 2012

Before I Go To Sleep by SJ Watson

The Blurb:
Memories define us. So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep?

My Thoughts:
I was looking forward to reading this a while now. But my 'books-to-read' list got longer and longer, and this epic piece had to wait.
But on my last stop at the bookstore I simply had to pick it up and start reading. The bestie had read it already and praised it to the skies.

Christine wakes up not knowing who the man in the bed next to her is. Actually, she doesn't even know who's bed she has slept in.
Everyday, Christine discovers that she is not the twenty-something year old woman she thought she was when she had opened her eyes, and has to be told what happened to her all over again. But whenever she closes her eyes and goes to sleep at night, the memories and everything she has learned that day disappear.
Her new doctor, Dr. Nash, suggests that Christine should start a journal. So she starts to write down everything she experiences and the seldom memories that come back to her. But as Christine starts to remember and uncover the lies she's been told by her husband, she must also begin to face the crule reality about what and who had caused her condition.

I have loved this book and couldn't put it down all the more, as the secrets got revealed. Twisting and turning, it will keep you on the edge of your seat. I have found myself trying so hard to figure out what had happened to Christine, but were taken by surpise when she uncovered the truth. A fabulous book!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Four sexy beasts and a beautiful city

Okay, someone please give me a time machine so I can go back to the weekend. Because it has been perfect!

I got last Thursday off so I had plenty of time to pack my bags - but I didn't. I've spent all day being lazy and looking forward to leaving this country. Thursday evening was spent throwing around clothes and shoes, trying to find something I could take to London. Clever, organized me.

And then, finally, Friday - off to beautiful London! With packed bags and full of excitement I went over to the bestie. To the airport, on the plane, here we go.
I love flying. It's amazing. Wooop.
We had to travle across London to get from Gatwick to our hotel, so we got there pretty late and were pretty exhausted. After a mini heartattack when the front desk ladie told us our rooms were not paid yet, which we were able to sort out, we went up to floor number 2 and I spent the rest of the night enjoying british TV. (This seems to happen to us every time we want to check into a hotel in London...)

When I woke up on Saturday I coudn't believe I was going to see my favourite band in less than 12 hours. Exciteeeed! We took the tube to Hammersmith, got some food and then headed to the Apollo. Then we waited. And waited. And waited. Six hours of waiting in the cold, sitting on the ground, trying to believe that I was about to see McFly live.

Honestly, I couldn't wait for the two supporting acts to finish and then it happened. YMCA. Just a few more seconds...
I can't describe how I felt when the boys came on stage. Amazing! They played three new songs and now I can't wait for the new album. It's gonna be incredible, I tell you. And yes - Tom Fletcher is perfection.
It was a sweaty, beautiful, hot, crowded night and my body was still hurting three days after. I loved it.

On Sunday we went into London. I have met some pretty amazing people, who I will tell you more about in another post.
London is wonderful. Although it was raining and freezing cold I fell in love with this beautiful, expensive, lovely, busy city all over again. Is it weird that big cities make me happy?

Can't wait to see you again, London.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Room by Emma Donoghue

To five-year-old Jack, Room is the entire world. It’s where he was born, where he and his Ma eat and play and learn. At night, Ma puts him safely to sleep in the wardrobe, in case Old Nick comes.

Room is home to Jack, but to Ma it’s the prison where she’s been held for seven years. Through determination, ingenuity, and fierce motherly love, Ma has created a life for her son. But Jack’s curiosity is building alongside Ma’s desperation — and she knows Room cannot contain either indefinitely. …

Told in the inventive, funny, and poignant voice of Jack, Room is a powerful story of a mother and son whose love lets them survive the impossible.

My thoughts:
This book was really something else.
I've picked it up several times on one of my, by now, almost weekly strolls through the book store. But I had put it down every time, until I coudln't resist it any longer. Very good decision!

We join Jack and his Ma on his fifth birthday. The boy has grown up believing that Room is everything there is. Outside Room is... nothing. And everything in TV is not real. Just he and Ma are, and Old Nick.
When Ma tells him a story, a new story, and explains that there is a entire world outside Room, Jack has a really hard time believing her, of course.
From that day on Jack's head is full of questions and he is not sure if the whole world can really fit in there. Soon the little guy will find himself on an adventure he didn't dare to dearm was possible.

Told in the voice of the five-year old, brave and absolutely adorable Jack, it gives the story a whole new twist. Room will let you explore the - declaredly strange - world throught the eyes of an extraordinary, pure child.

I really enjoyed reading this book. True viciousness told in such an innocent voice will send a chill down your spine and get you the giggles at the same time.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Summer and the City by Candace Bushnell

Since I am an enormous Sex and the City fan this was a must read for me!

Summer is a magical time in New York City and Carrie is in love with all of it—the crazy characters in her neighborhood, the vintage-clothing boutiques, the wild parties, and the glamorous man who has swept her off her feet. Best of all, she's finally in a real writing class, taking her first steps toward fulfilling her dream.

My thoughts:
Finally, New York City! Carrie has arrived in the big smoke and the adventure begins right away. Glamurous parties, meeting various artists, manager and wanna-bes and trying to succed in her writing class - that is how Carrie spends her days in the city that never sleeps.
With Samantha and Miranda on her side, the three girls try to leave their marks on New York's streets and men. There is so much to see, feel and do, and while exploring the city, the fashion and all kind of heartbreaks, this amazing friendship develops.

I have read The Carrie Diaries last summer and was really looking forward to this one ever since. I couldn't put this book down and finished it within a week.
It was great to see what had happened at the beginning; how the girls met and over what they've bonded.
Everyone who enjoys the series and movies about those four amazing ladies and their New York life should give this a read.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Yes, no, maybe...? I don't know, can you repeat the question?

We have a new trainee in our department. He's 15 and so shy, but nice. And I've been dragging him around the company all week, to get to know the different departments, you know.
And we've been talking about what he wants to do after he's finished school. Obviously he doesn't know what he wants to do, and he doesn't have to. Because he's only 15. There are loads of other things to worry about. Like... I don't know, girls and football and acne.

Lucky him!

I've been thinking about decisions. Because I have to make some of my own very soon.

Isn't it wonderful when you're only 15 and you think the most difficult decision you have to make is whether to wear the pink or the blue dress? No, kidding, I know being a teenager is hard.
But really, deciding which career you want to take or what country you want to live in makes picking the colour of your dress look like the easiest thing ever.

And it never stops. So, like, when you have decided to move out, you have to find an apartment. And it's not only the building you have to think about... Do you like the street? How far away from work is this place? What about city centre? Are there enough mice to keep your cats busy? Can you actually afford all this? God, growning up can be so hard!

When I was 15 I was hardly aware of the fact that I'll ever have to leave school. And get a job, and start dating, and buy make up, and pay bills, and drive a car. (Yes, we didn't wear make up when I was 15.) All the decisions I had to make were if I'd do my homework in the morning or not at all. Or if I want to sleep over at this friend's place or the other's. Or to which party I'd want to go at the weekend. And what to wear. Those were the hard decisions. I didn't even think about the years that would come after 18.

Now, facing an occupational change, I have to make some of those decisions my 15-year-old self wasn't even aware do exist. The funny part is (there is always a funny part), that I am not even really worried. About finding a new job. But that's just due to one fact - there are more important things to worry about. Can't be? Oh, you have no idea.
But to everyone who's crapping their pants about their work-related future, do not fear, you are not alone! There are millions of other people sending out countless applications. And one day I will have sleepless nights and a throbbing head, too, because I actually know where I want to be, but am not sure how to get there.

But until then, I am going to focus on the things that have to be decided now. Because - I have no choice. Someone has to decide them, and since this is my life, I figure I am the one who should make them.

So, you sweet little strawberries, now go and enjoy that beautiful weather. Making decisions is always easier while filling up on Vitamin D. Sun, sun, sun. Fun, fun, fun.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A blast from the past

As mentioned in my previous post, I went out for dinner with an old friend. We haven't seen each other in about two years and I was really looking forward to catching up with her. As we all know, a lot can happen in two years.
We sat in that bistro for over four hours, chatting, laughing and remembering. There are loads of things to remember. And to laugh about. It was so much fun and I felt happy and really grateful.

Throughout the evening we've recalled awkward situations, adolescent antics, crazy adventures and how that "one special guy" broke our heart. It was fab-u-lous!

After we've said our good-byes and I went home, I thought about how much had changed and happened in the past few years. And that night, I thought of just how amazing it was back then - and how glad I am that all that is in the past.

Sometimes, when I go back in time, I think of how many mistakes I've made just a few years ago and how much fun life was. The friends I've made and lost over the years, falling in love and getting butterflies whenever I've seen HIM... Oh the memories!
But isn't that what your teenage years are all about? Making mistakes, losing and winning, loving and hurting? Just to explore the world and yourself and everyone else? Getting drunk, being stupid, partying the night away? Be wild! And I have done that. All of that. And it was incredible!

Some day, you want to know who you are. And I think, this is just such a big part of becoming that person. And, in all honesty, I am so glad I have done all those things back then. Because, really, I wouldn't want to do that now. Being a teenager is hard. Really, it is. But being an adult isn't any easier.
So enjoy it. Every mistake you make, every heartbreak, every crazy adventure you start, just enjoy it! Because one day, those will be the stories you'll laugh about for hours.

So, be wild, children. Be wild.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Excuse me, my hair needs your attention

At some point, probably when you're out for coffee with your girlfriends, you'll walk past a huge window, and because you're a woman you can't help but check your reflection, you will stop and look at yourself in shock... and then it hits you. You're hair is a bloody pile of fuzzy messiness! You look like a overused mop. There is no way to deny it - a new hair cut is needed, NOW!

And then it begins, the hour-long research for the new do. At home on your laptop, on the go on your phone even in the office at your computer. What should you get? Just a little trim or a complete new look? Fringe or not? Oh, and while we're at that, why don't you just change the colour again? Brown? Black? Red, green, blue, violet? Hm... or you could get some highlights.
The list of possibilities is endless. END-LESS!

After about three weeks you have cut it down to two or three options. Now it's time to get the votes in. So you go around asking every human being, that possesses even the tiniest bit of style, which one of these looks would make you look the least like you're still 16. Because you're actually 22 and would love it, if you'd stop looking like you did 6 years ago. In the end you will discuss all opinions with your best friend. Because she is the one who will have to look at you most often, she'll give good advice.

So when you have finally decided what to do to get this craziness you call hair under control - you need to find the right hairdresser. If you have a hair salon you trust and go to all the time, this won't be a problem and your hair will be shiny and beautiful in no time.
But if you don't... well, then you'll have to spent another two exhausting weeks trying to find someone you trust to run around with scissors.

This project won't only cost you loads of money for magazines that promise you to KNOW what kind of look would fit you, but also leave you being a nervous wreck at the end. Because, you know, one day, you'll have to do it all over again.


Yes, this was a very rubbish long post just to let you know that I am absolutely not frantic about my hairdo. Not at all. And why would you think I need a new haircut?

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

10 randoms

Since I have nothing to write about that wouldn't fry my brain, I thought I'd give you a litte bit more information about myself by sharing 10 random things - about me. I have found this over at A Martini Always Helps and thought I'd join the fun. Because I am just that bored interesting.

So here it goes.

1. I live out in hicksville. Barely 1,000 peeps. And I hate it. I have spent all my life there and it is driving me nuts.

2. I love the bestie more than anything. We communicate through facial expression and inside jokes. One day we're going to write a book.

3. One thing, the only thing, I always take with me is my phone. Which means that, theoretically, I am within easy reach at all times. Yeah, well, just in theory.

4. I love big cities. There. That's why I don't fit in here (in above mentioned enviroment). I've tried, I've failed. I need traffic and malls and public transport and big buildings. And no cows as my neighbour.

5. I have spent one year in the US of A. As an au pair. And it was the best decision I've made to date.

6. Once every now and then (everyday, really) I wish I was a cat instead of a human being. Because being at cat must be awesome!

7. Cake makes me happy. So do fruits.

8. This time next month I am going to queue up in a line together with loads of other over-excited fangirls to see McFly - four talented, british, gorgeous, incredible guys. In London. After that I will probably go up to heaven, because this will be one of the bestestes days of my life. Duh! (If you do not know who McFly are, stop reading this and stand in a corner!)

9. I'm a dreamer and dreaming is what I do.

10. If I'd win the lottery I would give some money to the people I love and spent the rest of my days travelling the world. And then buy loads of apartments in all the great cities. Wooop!

There we are. 10 things about me. Should I mention that it took me one hour to even find 10 random facts about myself?

So, your turn. Do the same and leave the link in the comments.
Remember - embrace the randomness!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Yes, you can be jealous of my life

...because three people have complimented my nail polish today! YES!

And those compliments have totally outbalanced that someone (who actually calls herself a friend of mine) has tried to motivate me by telling me that my biggest dream will be an absolute fail. Ah, yes, I'm a lucky lady.

Find the error.

Remember that thing I'm planning that I haven't yet told you about? No? Ah, still can't tell you what it is. But I've told some of my closest friends (obviously including person mentioned above), so they can start getting used to this idea. I mean, it's like life changing. Not exaggerating here. And I was hoping to get some support, of course. Haha,

What really bugged me about what she said is that she didn't even try to understand or accept that this is what I want. And I want it bad. It's not like I am forcing everyone to like what I'm doing. It isn't permission I am looking for, just a bit of support from my friends, some of whom I have known half my life.
And I don't want everyone to be happy with my decision or to throw a party for me. All I am asking for is a "well, if that's that you want, I hope it'll work out". (Actually, a party would be really nice too.)

Luckily I'm a warrior by nature. A bloodthirsty, bullish hamster. Terminator of negative influence. Meaning, this declaration of my dream ending as a big epic fail just made me want to work for it even harder.
And I've got to say that there really are people who are supporting me in this. Even tho I'm sure they think I'm nuttier than a fruitcake. That's alright.

Really kids, even if the people that want to bring you down are people you have known for a long time, don't let them. Don't let anyone bring you down! (insert manic hand gesture here)
If you want something, go for it. If you'll fall get up again and brush the dirt off your face. You're the only one who can tell yourself that you can't do it - and you don't have to listen.

POW! Deep.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

How to not burn down the kitchen

Anyone who knows me is well aware of the fact that I can't cook. Like, at all. And honestly, I am not bothered by that. Why should I? But it seems like this is actually kind of a big deal. A woman in her early 20s who can't cook. Boom. Even worse, who doesn't like to cook. That's true ladies and gentleman, I do not like cooking. Not a bit. I'm not sure why, but that's just the way it is.

So why is everyone so taken aback when they find out? Why is everyone assuming I like being in a kitchen, chopping food like it's the the most entertaining thing ever? Because I'm a woman? C'mon!

It's not like I have never tried to cook. I have, ohhh, I have. And it didn't end well. It usually never does. Because I don't know how to do it. Honestly. Sounds crazy, huh?

So, why does it never turn out good? Because I don't like it, so I'm not putting any effort in. Simple, my friends. I don't like standing in a kitchen waiting for water to boil or touching raw meat or washing salads. It annoyes the heck out of me.

I know a lot of people really enjoy cookery. They find it to be therapeutic and calming and relaxing and there couldn't be anything better than hacking the kitchen to pieces. And that's fine, absolutely fine. I find it therapeutic to punch the bejesus out of my keyboard, nothing wrong there.
In fact, I feel the very urge to learn and actually enjoy the art of perparing food now and then. But - not gonna happen. Just don't like it.

But I'll be fine. The bestie is a master in the kitchen (yes, this is a bestie appreciation line). Like seriously, she is the bestest cook everrrr.
And when the time comes where I have to face the kitchen on my own again... well, I hope the future hubby likes to juggle those blades.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Of cats and too much sexiness

In the spirit of being random please enjoy following video:

This is one of my favourite human beings. Ever.
Watching this might make you fall in love with him. Or the cats. (I've got this song stuck in my head since yesterday!)

Enjoy, my dears, enjoy.

Just another day in the office...

Well, it's literally just another day in the office. Another boring day. BORING!

So after I have finished everything on my desk and did a few calls which it seems are not worth to return, I have spent my morning reading through Martini's blog. Yes, I have read every post, that's right. No, not all of them this morning. But if you are as bored as I am (can't be) and want to read something intellectual, this is it! Please klick here. Now.

Now that I have given you lot something to do I could be a good employee and go staple my papers. But... yawn!

So, I've been thinking. Just because I can. Where to go with this blog. I'm not even sure if I want to go in just one direction or more. Fashion, cosmetics, books... Or shall I just let it be the random trash bin for my poorly developed writting skills (don't laugh, it's serious) that it is right now.
But since I'm not an expert in either of these categories (or any, for that matter), this blog will just stay the helter-skelter that it is.

Embrace the randomness.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Crossed by Ally Condie

In search of a future that may not exist and faced with the decision of who to share it with, Cassia journeys to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky - taken by the Society to his certain death - only to find that he has escaped, leaving a series of clues in his wake.
Cassia's quest leads her to question much of what she holds dear, even as she finds glimmers of a different life across the border. But as Cassia nears resolve and certainty about her future with Ky, an invitation for rebellion, an unexpected betrayal, and a surprise visit from Xander - who may hold the key to the uprising and, still, to Cassia's heart - change the game once again. Nothing is as expected on the edge of Society, where crosses and double crosses make the path more twisted than ever.

My thoughts:
After I've finished Matched I couldn't wait to see what happens next.
It seems the story picks up a couple of months after what had happened at the end of Matched.
Told by Cassia as well as Ky, we accompany the two of them throughout the adventure that has just begun, and get different views of the story. Also, we get introduced to new characters and dive deeper into the tortuous actions of the Society.
While Cassia is fighting her way through Society, the Outer Provinces and all kinds of emotions, Ky is starting to tell his story. And even Xander has a few secrets to share. Along the way we meet Vick, Indie and Eli - each bringing in they're own story. And you can not help but to love or at least be fascinated by them.
As more secrets get revealed and we get more and more pieces of everyone's story, I've found myself being surprised and admiring each character for what they did, gone through or come to.

Animated by the desire of freedom and the strengh of love, Condie is taking you onto another beautiful and heartbreaking adventure. The precision with which she describes the setting takes you right into the Outer Province and the Canyon. And the use of classic poems to fuel and support the characters makes you fall for them even harder.

I have really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the release of the next one. Codie has done a great job in setting up the endgame and I can't wait to get my hands on it. If you have liked Matched, you will love Crossed.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Something to check out!

So, currently I am on the lookout for entertaining, interesting blogs to follow and pass my boring workhours with and I have come across this masterpiece of a blog.

A Martini Always Helps

Martini is in her 30s, dating and always up for a fine drink. Or two... She blogs about life, dating, not-dating, parties and... Martinis.
I have just spent a good two days browing around (pssst, don't tell the boss) and could not help but giggle and laugh about the events occurring in Martini's life. Her post are full of sarcasm, honesty and a great portion of witt. It's a bit like... Bridget Jones meets Sex and the City! Absolutely fabulous!
So go have a look, and best pour yourself a drink to come along.

If you're a blogger yourself, leave me the link!

Cheers my dears.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Fangirl In Me

Hello thereeee...

Just a small post to tell you that the bestie has just send me a picture of our McFly concert tickets, which have arrived in the mail today. (Many thanks to the bf :)
I've just had a massive fangirl-moment at the office and my colleagoues are still giving me funny/worried/confused looks...

We'll be seeing our favourite band on April, 7th in LONDON! So if you'll be down there it'd be awesome to meet some of you guys! Let us know via twitter or tumbler (you can find mine on the right side of this page), or leave a comment.

58 DAYS!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Picture Perfect Moments

Brrrrr, hello there.
I hope you are all well wrapped up. I've got to say, this weather is not for me. I do not like it - at all. Way way too cold! Unfortunately I have no useful tips to stay warm... just put as much clothes on as possibly and do not leave your bed!

I'm quite bored and when this happens (and it happens a lot), my thoughts tend to wander... So, I've just been thinking about how I don't ever take pictures anymore. I've used to snap a shot of everything I could get my lens on! But ever since I got back from America my camera has been removed from my purse... I'm not sure why. But it really saddens me when I think about all the amazing moments I could have captured.
Got to admit, I don't own a expensive cam. I've got mine for like $150 at a discounter because I was in desperate need of one, but I still like the pictures I get with it.

Photographs are something that have always fascinated me. I just love the idea of capturing a moment and being able to go back whenever you like. And although I am a person of words, some photos just express something that words never could.

I will try and get back into taking pictures. There is so much I want to remember... Plus, the Bestie and I used to take the most hilarious pics ever!
So, hopefully you'll find some new shots on here soon.

Loads of love flying you way. Xx

Monday, 6 February 2012

Matched by Ally Condie

I have just finished this one.
First, I've got to say I was hoocked just by looking at it. I found the German version of this lying around at my bestie's and got curious. After I've read the blurb I could not resist but to read the first few pages just right then.

In the Society, Officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die.

Cassia has always trusted their choices. It’s hardly any price to pay for a long life, the perfect job, the ideal mate. So when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is the one… until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. Now Cassia is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she’s known and a path no one else has ever dared follow — between perfection and passion.

My thoughts:
I was really excited to start reading Matched. I instantly fell in love with the idea of the story.
The book starts right at the Matching ceremony - one part I was really excited about - and we get intoduced to the Society and their rules right away. Along the first few pages we meet Cassia's family, her best friend Xander as well as the rest of her social enviroment. As we follow Cassia, and quickly grow fond of her and everyone else, the huge influence that the Society has gets revealed.
Part of me had a hard time getting my head around the thought of other people contolling lives so strictly and... successful. But this just increased my sympathy for Cassia and the road she chooses to take.
As her view of the Society and everything she's ever known is starting to crack up, we get sucked into the hurricane of events, decisions and emotions Cassia has to come across.
Some parts are so easily to relate to, as we have faced them as well or know we will have to at some point. Losing a loved one, falling in love, letting go...
Other parts appeal to our imagination, letting us be a part of this whole new idea of living a life led by predictions and calculations.

I can only recommend this book, it had me crying and shivering of excitement and empathy. Although I had huge expectations towards Matched, it did not disappoint me and I have already started Crossed (the second book of this triology), because I can not wait to see what happens next.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Hello there!

Oh, wow, I must be the world's worst blogger... ;)

But, how are you all? I hope you had a great start into 2012 and were able to enforce some or even all of your new years resolutions.

So far, I got to admit that I am quite on track regarding those resolutions. I have joined the gym (oh, yes, that is some unique resolution, huh?) and been working on my "big change". I still won't tell what it is, since it is still just at the beginning, but I am hoping to get some confirmation by the end of Feb.

Other than that, I've just been busy with work work work. Honestly, if I wouldn't get paid I wouldn't go back there tomorrow. But it's all about the cash these days so I gotta do what a broke fella gotta do.

Referring to Zumba, which I have mentioned in my previous post, I look absolutely ridiculous. Utterly moronic. But it's such great fun! Everyone who loves dancing and working out to music should try it at least once. And the greatest thing about Zumba is, that you have absolutely no time to think about how idiotic you look - you just have fun! So, go and try it :)

Besides work, I've been catching up with some series. Besides Gossip Girl (which I just love love love since the beginning. I mean, Ed...Chace...Penn... C'MON!!!) I have turned into a huge fan of Pretty Little Liars and New Girl. And now that I have completed my catch up on these, I will start Hart of Dixie. Because I adore Rachel Bilson to bits.
But, I'm not sure if any of these can replace The OC as my favourite TV show tho. We'll see...

Now, I better get going. There's a hot cuppa waiting ;)
So long. Cheers. Xx

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year - Bring it on 2012

Hello everyone!

I wish you a very happy new year!

Just a few days old and already so exciting! I hope you had a wonderful time welcoming 2012, and that you've picked those new years resolutions!

I haven't made a lot for this year, but I am determined to stick to all of them. If things will go as planned, 2012 is going to a very big year for me and I am so looking forward to whatever it has in store.
I am already in the thick of things that I have planned for this year. It's huge so it requires a hell of a lot of planning. And thinking. And more planning.
I can't tell you about it just yet (partly because I don't want to jinx it), but in about a month time (hopefully) I will reveal my big plans.

But for today... I am going to try Zumba. For the very first time in my life. New year - time to try new things. I'm so excited about this! Altho, I'm sure I'm going to be absolutely knackered afterwards...

What have you guys planned for 2012? Anything big? Anything exciting? I bet so. Tell me, I'd love to hear all about it!