As mentioned in my previous post, I went out for dinner with an old friend. We haven't seen each other in about two years and I was really looking forward to catching up with her. As we all know, a lot can happen in two years.
We sat in that bistro for over four hours, chatting, laughing and remembering. There are loads of things to remember. And to laugh about. It was so much fun and I felt happy and really grateful.
Throughout the evening we've recalled awkward situations, adolescent antics, crazy adventures and how that "one special guy" broke our heart. It was fab-u-lous!
After we've said our good-byes and I went home, I thought about how much had changed and happened in the past few years. And that night, I thought of just how amazing it was back then - and how glad I am that all that is in the past.
Sometimes, when I go back in time, I think of how many mistakes I've made just a few years ago and how much fun life was. The friends I've made and lost over the years, falling in love and getting butterflies whenever I've seen HIM... Oh the memories!
But isn't that what your teenage years are all about? Making mistakes, losing and winning, loving and hurting? Just to explore the world and yourself and everyone else? Getting drunk, being stupid, partying the night away? Be wild! And I have done that. All of that. And it was incredible!
Some day, you want to know who you are. And I think, this is just such a big part of becoming that person. And, in all honesty, I am so glad I have done all those things back then. Because, really, I wouldn't want to do that now. Being a teenager is hard. Really, it is. But being an adult isn't any easier.
So enjoy it. Every mistake you make, every heartbreak, every crazy adventure you start, just enjoy it! Because one day, those will be the stories you'll laugh about for hours.
So, be wild, children. Be wild.
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