We have a new trainee in our department. He's 15 and so shy, but nice. And I've been dragging him around the company all week, to get to know the different departments, you know.
And we've been talking about what he wants to do after he's finished school. Obviously he doesn't know what he wants to do, and he doesn't have to. Because he's only 15. There are loads of other things to worry about. Like... I don't know, girls and football and acne.
Lucky him!
I've been thinking about decisions. Because I have to make some of my own very soon.
Isn't it wonderful when you're only 15 and you think the most difficult decision you have to make is whether to wear the pink or the blue dress? No, kidding, I know being a teenager is hard.
But really, deciding which career you want to take or what country you want to live in makes picking the colour of your dress look like the easiest thing ever.
And it never stops. So, like, when you have decided to move out, you have to find an apartment. And it's not only the building you have to think about... Do you like the street? How far away from work is this place? What about city centre? Are there enough mice to keep your cats busy? Can you actually afford all this? God, growning up can be so hard!
When I was 15 I was hardly aware of the fact that I'll ever have to leave school. And get a job, and start dating, and buy make up, and pay bills, and drive a car. (Yes, we didn't wear make up when I was 15.) All the decisions I had to make were if I'd do my homework in the morning or not at all. Or if I want to sleep over at this friend's place or the other's. Or to which party I'd want to go at the weekend. And what to wear. Those were the hard decisions. I didn't even think about the years that would come after 18.
Now, facing an occupational change, I have to make some of those decisions my 15-year-old self wasn't even aware do exist. The funny part is (there is always a funny part), that I am not even really worried. About finding a new job. But that's just due to one fact - there are more important things to worry about. Can't be? Oh, you have no idea.
But to everyone who's crapping their pants about their work-related future, do not fear, you are not alone! There are millions of other people sending out countless applications. And one day I will have sleepless nights and a throbbing head, too, because I actually know where I want to be, but am not sure how to get there.
But until then, I am going to focus on the things that have to be decided now. Because - I have no choice. Someone has to decide them, and since this is my life, I figure I am the one who should make them.
So, you sweet little strawberries, now go and enjoy that beautiful weather. Making decisions is always easier while filling up on Vitamin D. Sun, sun, sun. Fun, fun, fun.
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