Friday, 1 June 2012

Oh, hello there, how are you?

So, the hostparents are at the Coldplay concert and I'm home watching the boys.

Find the mistake...

No, no, actually, I'm glad to get 'a few nights off my social life'. Ever since I have arrived in London I've been busy meeting and making new friends, exploring this beautiful city, getting sunburned and trying all sorts of beer. I've gone from movie nights with the bestie on Saturdays (I MISS THAT!) to three beers on a Wednesday night. Go me!

But since I had to babysit yesterday and tonight, I got the chance to do a bit of a reflection on how I feel since I have arrived. And I finally got some early nights.
So, how am I feeling? Honestly? Pretty fucking good! Despite the meltdown and fears and last minute doubts, I am happy here. And yes, this is the moment you smile to yourself and think "Awww, man, I'm really happy for her!"
Everything is new and exciting, obviously, and my boys are simply wonderful, but something about this busy, crowded, gorgeous, expensive city makes me smile all day. Maybe it's the certainty of opportunities, or the promise of new experiences, or the chance of being simply myself or...the beer. Could also be the fact that I don't have to drive a car. Probably a mixture of everything. Anyway, I take it.

Plus, beautiful London has some pretty amazing things in store for me. The Diamond Jubilee of HM The Queen and, yes, yes, the Olympics. And hopefully a wonderful summer filled with sun, fun, BBQ and new as well as old friends.

And I got to say it: I am really, really glad I took this crazy opportunity life was throwing at me a couple of weeks ago. And while I miss my loved ones terribly, I finally start to see it all come together.
So a little advice from me, just because I am such a happy bunny these days and I want eeeveryone to feel the same - if you get the chance to do something you want to do, do it! Despite the doubts, do it! If it seems absolutely bonkers... that's even more of a reason to go for it.

Now, I'll hold on to my floating balloons and keep getting used to having an actual social life again. And I must buy a party hat to celebrate Her Majesty's 60 years of service. God Save the Queen.

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