Sunday, 7 October 2012

So here's to new adventures

And the award for the blog with the biggest lack of update goes to....
I apologise, my friends/readers/strangers; I live in the most exciting city of the year and just don't keep you posted. Naughty, Danny, naughty!
So, it's been quite a while but I have a pretty good excuse for my absence. I have been INSANELY busy. Turns out, I actually have a life after all.

My summer in beautiful London was like a fairytale! I was just about to type "minus the romance", but I actually fell in love... Gorgeous, expensive, always busy, demanding, never boring, mood depending on the weather, full of surprises... that's how I'd describe my lover - also know as LONDON. The city was buzzing with excitement for the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics. And both have been a huge success. Yes, see, we're really happy together.

After all the awesome events of the summer I had to get back to the more serious side of life. Big sigh. Don't we all, tho?
So I started to sort out my life, once again, and get ready to tackle the next big adventure my lover had in store for me: a new job and a new flat. Starting a new job in a new company is not so much of a first, whereas living on my own is. From apartment hunting and paying rent to buying all the stuff the Mumsy used to get for me, it's aaaall new. It's very exciting, very scary, very interesting. 
But I am slowly getting used to my new tiny room, the funny flatmates and my public transport journey to work. I am actually starting to live like a proper adult, huh? Dear....

There's been a lot of changes. [Insert philosophical quote from Sex and the City about how life always changes and the world never stops spinning, ect] 

I have also added a new feature to my blog (that I will command myself to update regularly again) so you can now find a link to my book reviews on the right side bar. And since I still, and always will, spend the majority of my free time having my eyes glued to pages please feel free to leave me a comment about your favourite book, any book or even the most crappiest nonsense you've ever read and I will make sure to check it out. You can also leave me a message on tumblr or tweetelede me on the twitterverse. And of course, leave me the link to your online diary and I will snoop around.

So that's done. I'll continue to be all grown up now and...wait, what do adults do on a Sunday night?

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