And those compliments have totally outbalanced that someone (who actually calls herself a friend of mine) has tried to motivate me by telling me that my biggest dream will be an absolute fail. Ah, yes, I'm a lucky lady.
Find the error.
Remember that thing I'm planning that I haven't yet told you about? No? Ah, still can't tell you what it is. But I've told some of my closest friends (obviously including person mentioned above), so they can start getting used to this idea. I mean, it's like life changing. Not exaggerating here. And I was hoping to get some support, of course. Haha,
What really bugged me about what she said is that she didn't even try to understand or accept that this is what I want. And I want it bad. It's not like I am forcing everyone to like what I'm doing. It isn't permission I am looking for, just a bit of support from my friends, some of whom I have known half my life.
And I don't want everyone to be happy with my decision or to throw a party for me. All I am asking for is a "well, if that's that you want, I hope it'll work out". (Actually, a party would be really nice too.)
Luckily I'm a warrior by nature. A bloodthirsty, bullish hamster. Terminator of negative influence. Meaning, this declaration of my dream ending as a big epic fail just made me want to work for it even harder.
And I've got to say that there really are people who are supporting me in this. Even tho I'm sure they think I'm nuttier than a fruitcake. That's alright.
Really kids, even if the people that want to bring you down are people you have known for a long time, don't let them. Don't let anyone bring you down! (insert manic hand gesture here)
If you want something, go for it. If you'll fall get up again and brush the dirt off your face. You're the only one who can tell yourself that you can't do it - and you don't have to listen.
POW! Deep.
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