Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Wait! Who's life is this?

Oh well, it's been a while, huh? I apologies for not being the best blogger, but I have been insanely busy.
So, what's happened the past few weeks?

  • I quit my job
  • I sorted out my wardrobe
  • I moved to London

Nothing of importance, really.


How in the world did all this just happen to me? I. Have. No. Idea!
A long, long, looong time ago the bestie and I decided to leave Germany. (Yes, that's where I'm from.) We have been talking about moving away for years now and after I came back from the US of A, we finally started to work on it. For real. So that's what we've been doing, almost every day - talking and thinking and planning and discussing and depressing and laughing over this huge thing we wanted to do. Move to England.

So, no, I didn't just pack my bags, hop on a plane and randomly ended up here. But it all happened really fast. 

I've really missed being and working with children, and after my boss told me that my position would be cut in a couple of weeks I've decided to be really open minded about what's going to happen next. I had a couple of ideas, and one of them was being an au pair again. 
So I've signed up on a website and within only one week I had had applications and messages from more than 10 families. Thursday evening, before our trip over to London for the McFly concert I skyped with R and really liked her and what she told me about the family. Because they live in London I had suggested to meet up on the weekend. 
We've met on the day after the concert at Green Park. After that I was sure that I would absolutely love to be with them and hoped that they would ask me to be their au pair. And then, Monday night on our way home from the airport, I got the email.

After that everything happened super fast. Within about four weeks I quit my job, told my friends, cried of happiness, sorted out my wardrobe, had 20 mental breakdown, packed my bags and cuddled my cats. (I miss them so much. SO MUCH!)

So, yeah, now I'm here. In London. Upstairs in my lovely room. I just had a wonderful day with my kids, filled with sunshine, ice cream, sand and laughter. I am a bloody lucky lady!

Side note: I'm still debating whether or not to start a separate blog in German so my friends and family and everyone who's interested will always be up to date. / Ich bin mir noch nicht sicher ob ich noch einen extra blog in deutsch für Familie/Freunde/Whoever anlege.
I'll let you know. I miss you! Xx

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