Sunday, 5 May 2013

Holidays at home

*what happened yesterday*

Back in Germany.
Although it’s only been four months since I’ve waited at Frankfurt main station in this very same spot, I still need a couple of hours to get used to everything. I’m aware it’s still Europe and just a short plane ride away, but still.

Talking German on a daily basis is not new; everyone else talking German is tho. Everything sounds very different.

I got up at 5 a.m., threw another pair of shoes in my suitcase and headed for the airport. Creepy how quite London can be… But nothing like being surrounded by screaming children in the cosy atmosphere inside of a plane. Hurray! I did manage do snooze for about 10 minutes tho.
And now I am on my way to the countryside. From England’s capital with more than 8 million human beings back to woods, cows and awful public transport. And I am really looking forward to it. Not the damn, basically none-existing, public transport, but to the view from my old room, my cats and family and the Bestie. And to being able to see the stars at night!

(An elderly lady next to me on the train has a plate of cake on her lap. Hmm! Bestie,  get baking!)

Got to admit, I’m a bit disappointed by the grey sky that’s greeting me here! Over the last few days it’d been sunny in good ol’ London town. A bit breezy maybe, but not that grey.  I hope Germany will lighten up a bit, especially up north since I want to walk along the river in Hamburg. No rain!
However, it looks a lot more… springlike here. Very green.

I can’t wait to get to our house, get some kitty kisses, and hugs hugs hugs from my loved ones. Much needed, to be honest.

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